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Covered Employment (QCEW)

The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) is a federal/state cooperative program that measures employment and wages in industries covered by unemployment insurance. Data are available by industry and county. We collect information about monthly employment, total wages and taxable wages from quarterly unemployment tax forms filed by employers. We also conduct quarterly surveys of employers who have more than one worksite in the state.

QCEW data is collected quarterly and released about seven months after the end of each quarter. In addition to quarterly data, we publish annual information. More information on NAICS codes can be found at North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) at BLS : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These reports can be used to evaluated labor trends, monitor major industry developments, and to develop training programs. 

More data and maps at the state and national level are available at:

Bureau of Labor Statistics CEW Tool     

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Glossary

ETA guide to state and local workforce data

2024 publication dates

QCEW report

Release date

3Q 2023 Preliminary

2Q 2023 Revised

March 22, 2024

2023 Annual Averages Preliminary

June 21, 2024

1Q 2024 Preliminary

2023 Annual Averages Revised

September 20, 2024

2Q 2024 Preliminary

1Q 2024 Revised

December 20, 2024