Although employers are required to keep their information up to date with the Department under RCW 50.12.070, currently, the Department’s rules do not explicitly require employers to keep their addresses up to date with the Department. This rulemaking will specify that employers notify the Department of a change in address within 30 days of an address change.
CR 101 (PDF, 117KB) | Proposed Rules (PDF, 46KB) | CR 102 (PDF, 152KB) | Proposed Rules (PDF, 76KB) | Preliminary Cost Benefit Analysis (PDF, 90KB)
Public Hearing
- Date: March 27, 2025
- Time: 10:00 AM PST
- Location: Zoom:
- Meeting ID: 846 3081 0093
- Passcode: 537428
- One tap mobile:
- +13126266799,,84630810093#,,,,*537428# US (Chicago)
- +16465588656,,84630810093#,,,,*537428# US (New York)