Program benefits
- Employers keep their workforce intact during an economic setback.
- Employees keep their job and get a prorated percentage of unemployment benefits.
- Open to most businesses and industries.
- Improves employee morale.
- Applying is easy! It takes only about 10 minutes.
Watch this video for an overview of the program.
How SharedWork works
SharedWork allows you to reduce your employees' usual hours from 10% to 50%. Your workers collect unemployment benefits to replace part of their lost wages.
A SharedWork plan can last up to 1 year. You can reapply when your plan ends.
SharedWork does affect your experience rating, which helps determine your unemployment tax rate. But when you lay off workers who apply for unemployment benefits, that affects your experience rating more. Learn more about how we determine tax rates.
You can still hire new employees and not include them in your SharedWork plan. If you need to hire, your local WorkSource office can help.
Find out quickly if you qualify
Call 800-752-2500, option 3. A plan specialist can tell you if you qualify — usually in about 2 minutes. All you need to have ready is your business name and Employment Security Department (ESD) number.
Read about SharedWork's history
We're proud of our program! Read our blog post about SharedWork's 40th anniversary.
What SharedWork employers say
Read testimonials from employers who have used the SharedWork program.
Smith Gardens, Bellingham, Washington
"SharedWork been our biggest stress reliever. Everyone there has been so helpful and patient. They're just so great!"
Falco's, Spokane, Washington
"We are grateful. We truly believe our 80-year-old business would have had to close its doors had we not participated in the SharedWork program. We have been able to keep quality, well-trained, long-time employees on staff.
You have created a model program that is well organized and simple to implement and maintain. The SharedWork employees are some of the nicest, most helpful and patient people I have ever encountered. Our business is secure, and we hope others can benefit from this program as we did."
Spokane Galvanizing, Spokane, Washington
"Our business has had its ups and downs, and without SharedWork, we would be forced to lay people off. Our employees are thankful we used it and happy they do not have to draw full unemployment. There are so many advantages to SharedWork.
We do not know what the future will bring. Get approved for SharedWork!"
Laws and rules about SharedWork
Washington has incorporated federal SharedWork laws into our state laws and rules.