Employers: Get help at WorkSource

Staff at WorkSource centers around the state can help you grow your business. Find out about employer services that may be available for you.

About WorkSource

WorkSource is a partnership of state and local organizations, including our agency. Full-service WorkSource centers operate throughout the state. Other centers offer a smaller variety of services.

Use the WorkSource locator to find business services staff at a WorkSource center near you.

WorkSource services for employers

WorkSource services are free! Staff can help you develop a workforce with skills that meet your business needs.

Business services staff can help you:

Hire new employees

  • Organize and attend job fairs and hiring events.
  • Recruit and screen job applicants.
  • Research the labor market in your location and industry.
  • Use online recruitment tools on the WorkSource website.
  • Hire veterans.
  • Hire a recently graduated member of the Washington Service Corps.

Find tax incentives for hiring certain workers

Build your workers' skills and productivity

  • Explore apprenticeship information on the WorkSource website.
  • Consider on-the-job training. WorkSource will pay part of qualified workers' wages during their training period. During that time, you teach them the necessary skills to do the job. Afterward, you agree to keep them if they do their job well.
  • Get help to accommodate employees with disabilities.

Build a pipeline for future workers

If you are a nonprofit or public service employer, check out the Washington Service Corps (WSC). Explore how you can expand your organization's capacity or take on a new project with the help of WSC members.

Find programs that pay workers unemployment benefits while in training

Avoid a layoff or connect your laid-off employees with help

Video about WorkSource

Watch the 2-minute video below to learn what WorkSource can do for your business.