Rules and information for SharedWork employer representatives

You play an important role in your employer’s SharedWork plan. This page explains your responsibilities. Also find instructions, forms and how to get help.

As a SharedWork employer representative, you are a liaison. You share information between our SharedWork staff and employees in the SharedWork plan.

Your responsibilities as an employer representative

In addition to complying with all applicable state and federal laws, you will need to:

  • Attend an online orientation.
  • Address all information you receive from SharedWork program staff.
  • Inform participating employees about the program and let them know if they qualify or do not qualify.
  • Distribute applications to participating employees and help them complete their applications.
  • Ensure that all forms are signed, complete and legible before sending them to SharedWork program staff.
  • Distribute the SharedWork Employee Guide (PDF, 763.36KB) to participating employees.
  • Instruct participating employees to contact you with any questions or issues.

You may also have to:

  • Answer employees' questions about the program or their unemployment claims.
  • Call SharedWork program staff on behalf of employees if they have issues or concerns. Call 800-752-2500, option 1.

Communicating with SharedWork program staff

Please report to us any business changes before the change. If that's not possible, notify us within 10 days of the change. Examples include:

  • A participating employee is no longer working for any reason.
  • A participating employee has not worked between 10% and 50% of their usual work hours for 8 weeks in a row.
  • A designated employer representative has changed.
  • The employer's Employment Security Department (ESD) account number changes.
  • The business name changes.
  • Sale or transfer of the business is pending.
  • The business is closing.

Use the participant removal form (PDF, 207KB) if you are removing an employee from the SharedWork plan for any reason.

Please respond within 10 days to our requests to:

  • Verify information on the employer's SharedWork Payments Report. We send this report to you weekly. It compiles information from employees' weekly claims. Compare with your payroll records.
  • Submit a correction form for any employee whose work hours and earnings do not match your payroll records. Use the make corrections to one or more weekly claims (PDF, 232.13KB) form.
  • Find out about any business changes.
  • Clarify who is a designated employer representative.
  • Provide wage and hour reports and documents.

Get help

SharedWork program staff members are here to help you! We handle program inquiries, active employer plans and employees' unemployment benefit claims. Call us at 800-752-2500.

  • Choose option 1 for questions about claims.
  • Choose option 2 for questions about your SharedWork plan.
  • Choose option 8 for help in Spanish.

Forms and charts

Please do not email forms to SharedWork program staff.

Upload any forms using the secure web form or you can fax forms to 2 different numbers.

Fax these forms to 800-701-7754:

Fax these forms to 800-301-1796:

  • SharedWork employee applications.
  • SharedWork weekly claim forms.

Laws and rules about SharedWork

Washington has incorporated federal law into our SharedWork laws and rules.