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Transportation Network Companies


The Employment Security Department (Department) is engaging in rulemaking to amend current rules in accordance with the Department’s 2022 report on transportation network companies and to integrate transportation network companies and their drivers into the unemployment insurance system as set forth in SHB 1570 (2023).

This rulemaking will cover unemployment insurance only and will not cover paid family and medical leave. More information on the Department’s implementation of SHB 1570 for paid family and medical leave is available here.


Phase 1: The first phase of this rulemaking updated the Department’s rules to set forth the method for transportation network companies to calculate and report hours worked by their drivers.



CR 101 | Pre CR-102 draft rule | CR 102Proposed RulesPreliminary Cost Benefit Analysis | CR 103P | Final Rules | Final Cost Benefit Analysis | Implementation Plan | Concise Explanatory Statement | Significance Analysis


Phase 2: The second phase of this rulemaking is updating the Department’s rules to include good cause for voluntarily quitting work with a transportation network company due to a reduction of 25% or more in hours or compensation and to explain how an employer furnishing part-time work may receive relief of benefit charges.



CR 101 | Pre CR-102 draft rule


Other Documents

2022 Legislative Report: Transportation Network Companies

Substitute House Bill 1570 (2023)


(back to UI rulemaking)