The Training Benefits (TB) Program provides extended unemployment benefits to qualifying unemployment insurance (UI) claimants who need training for a new career. The TB Program provides income support while participating individuals are in training, but does not cover the direct costs of training (e.g., tuition, books, transportation). The benefits are paid out of the state Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund.
These studies compare the earnings of UI claimants who participated in the TB Program to the earnings of UI claimants who were eligible for the program, but chose not to participate.
Data in these reports are primarily from three sources: the Employment Security Department's administrative records, a survey of program participants conducted by the Employment Security Department, and training data from the Education Research and Data Center (ERDC). Learn more about the Training Benefits program.
The 2021 Training Benefits Program Report (PDF, 759KB) provides a baseline for legislators and policy makers to measure the effects of, and participation in, the TB Program and covers:
- Participant demographics
- Training and unemployment benefit payments
- Experiences with the program
- Participant employment and wage history
- Program administrative costs
The 2021 Net Impact Study on Annual Earnings for the Training Benefits Program (2002-2016) (PDF, 4.88 MB) analyzes the net impact of the TB Program on the employment, earnings and training program enrollment of program participants. The plain talk report (PDF, 210KB) summarizes the Net Impact Study without discussing the technical elements of the analysis.
These studies were prepared in accordance with the Revised Code of Washington, section 50.22.157. The Training Benefits Program report has changed from an annual to a five-year report. The next one will be published December 2026.
Earlier reports are available in the labor market report library.