Okanogan County profile

Learn about Okanogan County's unique labor market information and more.

Posted March 2025


Okanogan County’s labor supply is 18,076 workers. Total nonfarm employment in the county was 13,470 for January 2025, with a not seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 7.2%. The government sector makes up the largest industry with an annual average employment of 5,085 jobs out of 17,037 total annual average employment. Government jobs increased 60 over the year and decreased 50 jobs concentrated in the state and local subsectors from December 2024. Government jobs increased by 60 over the year and decreased 50 jobs over the month. The monthly change from December 2024 was concentrated in the state and local government subsectors. The county has 1,474 establishments employing workers covered by the Washington State Employment Security Act. The population of people 16 and above is 34,281.


A dark blue map of Washington state with Okanogan County highlighted in orange.


Okanogan County is in north Washington on the Canadian border east of the midline of the state. The county is the largest of Washington’s counties by land area.

Employment situation for January 2025

Labor force and unemployment

  • The not seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 7.2% during January 2025, 0.5% above the December 2024 rate of 6.7.

  • The labor force totaled 18,076 workers, a decrease of 296 workers since December 2024Unemployment rate, not seasonally adjusted

A chart showing the not seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for the United States, Washington and Okanogan County from January 2014 to January 2025.

Source: Employment Security Department/Labor Market Information and Research Division, Local area unemployment statistics

Payroll employment

Total nonfarm employment during January 2025 was 13,470, an increase of 3500 jobs from January 2024 and a decrease of 110 jobs from December 2024.

  • Retail trade increased 110 jobs from a year ago and decreased 70 jobs from December 2024.

  • Leisure and hospitality increased 80 jobs from a year ago and increased 10 jobs from December 2024.

  • Professional and business services increased 40 jobs from a year ago and increased 20 jobs from December 2024.

  • Government jobs increased by 60 over the year and decreased 50 jobs over the month. The monthly change from December 2024 was concentrated in the state and local government subsectors.

Nonfarm employment estimates, not seasonally adjusted, Okanogan County

NAICS Industry Title Jan 2025 (Preliminary) Dec 2024 (Revised) Jan 2024 (Revised) Dec 2024 to Jan 2025 change Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 change Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 % change
Total nonfarm 13470 13580 13120 -110 350 2.7%
--Total private 8360 8420 8070 -60 290 3.6%
---Goods-producing 1150 1180 1200 -30 -50 -4.2%
-----Mining, Logging and Construction 610 650 630 -40 -20 -3.2%
-----Manufacturing 550 530 570 20 -20 -3.5%
---Service-providing 12310 12390 11920 -80 390 3.3%
-------Wholesale Trade 210 200 210 10 0 0.0%
-------Retail trade 2060 2130 1950 -70 110 5.6%
-----Information 120 120 120 0 0 0.0%
-----Financial activities 280 280 260 0 20 7.7%
-----Professional and business services 700 680 650 20 50 7.7%
-----Private education and health services 1760 1780 1720 -20 40 2.3%
-----Leisure and hospitality 1370 1360 1290 10 80 6.2%
-----Government 5110 5160 5050 -50 60 1.2%
-------Federal government 310 310 320 0 -10 -3.1%
-------State government 290 300 280 -10 10 3.6%
---------State government education 40 40 30 0 10 33.3%
-------Local government 4510 4540 4440 -30 70 1.6%
---------Local government education 1670 1690 1720 -20 -50 -2.9%

Note: Data benchmarked through September 2024updated March 17, 2025.

Source: Employment Security Department/Labor Market Information and Research Division, Washington employment estimates (WA-QB & CES) 

Industry employment (covered employment)

Employment by industry, Okanogan County 2023 annual average

 A bar graph showing the 2023 annual average industry employment in Okanogan County.

Source: Employment Security Department/Labor Market Information and Research Division, Covered Employment (QCEW) 

Covered employment, or Quarterly Census of Employment and Wage (QCEW) data, include agricultural and nonagricultural employment and wages for firms, organizations and individuals whose employees are covered by the Washington State Employment Security Act. Covered employment generally exceeds 85% of total employment in the state of Washington. Average annual covered employment in 2023 in Okanogan County was 17,037. The average annual wage was $44,955 which was 51.6% of Washington state’s average annual wage of $87,091.

Top sectors in terms of employment in 2023:

  • Government (5,085 jobs)
  • Agriculture, forestry, and fishing and hunting (3,614 jobs)
  • Retail trade (2,267 jobs)
  • Health care and social assistance (1,635 jobs)
  • Accommodation and food services (1,138 jobs)

Top sectors in terms of total wages paid in 2023:

  • Government ($313.3 million)
  • Agriculture, forestry, and fishing and hunting ($ 111.8 million)
  • Retail trade ($81.8 million)
  • Health care and social assistance ($78.7 million)
  • Accommodation and food services ($28.4 million)

Workforce demographics in Okanogan County

Okanogan County’s 16 and older population was 34,281 in 2023. The labor force participation rate was 56.3% with an average unemployment rate of 4.8%.

Visit the U.S. Census Bureau website for more quick facts about Okanogan County.


Demographic characteristic Total Labor force participation rate Unemployment rate
Population 16 years and over 34,281 56.3% 4.8%
16 to 19 years 1,644 38.9% 16.4%
20 to 24 years 2,017 81.0% 7.7%
25 to 29 years 2,613 77.8% 4.4%
30 to 34 years 2,370 73.8% 6.9%
35 to 44 years 4,964 83.7% 4.4%
45 to 54 years 4,839 82.9% 3.6%
55 to 59 years 2,742 65.9% 2.2%
60 to 64 years 3,275 47.6% 5.6%
65 to 74 years 6,159 24.2% 1.7%
75 years and over 3,658 6.6% 2.5%

Race or Hispanic origin

Demographic characteristic Total Labor force participation rate Unemployment rate
White alone 24,012 51.1% 3.5%
Black or African American alone 693 88.0% 1.5%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone 2,800 58.3% 8.0%
Asian alone 181 58.0% 13.3%
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander alone 43 100.0% 0.0%
Some other race alone 2,988 78.8% 8.8%
Two or more races 3,564 64.7% 6.1%
Hispanic or Latino origin (of any race) 5,594 75.4% 5.5%
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino 23,381 51.1% 3.5%
Population 20 to 64 years 22,820 74.3% 4.7%


Demographic characteristic Total Labor force participation rate Unemployment rate
Male 11,743 80.7% 5.7%
Female 11,077 67.5% 3.3%

Females with children

Demographic characteristic Total Labor force participation rate Unemployment rate
With own children under 18 4,204 67.3% 3.8%
With own children under 6 only 780 52.2% 8.8%
With own children under 6 and 6 to 17 1,026 48.4% 1.2%
With own children 6 to 17 only 2,398 80.3% 3.4%

Poverty status in the past 12 months

Demographic characteristic Total Labor force participation rate Unemployment rate
Below poverty level 4,224 53.2% 12.3%
At or above the poverty level 18,455 79.6% 3.5%

Disability status

Demographic characteristic Total Labor force participation rate Unemployment rate
With any disability 3,111 43.0% 15.8%

Educational attainment

Demographic characteristic Total Labor force participation rate Unemployment rate
Population 25 to 64 years 20,803 73.6% 4.3%
Less than high school graduate 3,338 69.9% 5.5%
High school graduate (includes equivalency) 6,336 71.2% 5.1%
Some college or associate's degree 6,665 73.2% 4.6%
Bachelor's degree or higher 4,464 80.3% 2.3%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year estimates, S2301 | Employment Status 

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.