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Employer resources forms and publications

Required workplace posters

All posters are designed to be printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper and can be produced in color or black and white. Employers must display required posters where their employees can read them. If you don't have access to a printer, you may request posters be mailed to you by calling 855-829-9243. 


Required ONLY for religious organizations

Required ONLY for fishing boat employers


Agricultural employers

  • Complete ETA Form 750a to submit an application for alien employment certification.


Hiring forms

Report an individual who refuses or misses a job interview.

Tax credits

Complete these forms to receive federal tax credits when you hire qualified workers:

For videos, please visit our video library.
For Shared Work, please visit our Shared Work forms and media library page.


Go to forms and publications for: 

Unemployment benefits | Jobs and training | Employer taxes | All other