Federal bonding for certain workers

Federal bonds can protect employers when an employee commits fraud. Learn what these bonds cover and how to apply for them.

About the Federal Bonding program

The Federal Bonding Program (FBP) gives bonds to employers who hire at-risk workers. This includes people who are or have been:

  • Involved with the justice system.
  • Recovering from drug or alcohol abuse.
  • Receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
  • In debt with poor credit.
  • Economically disadvantaged.
  • Dishonorably discharged from the military.

Federal bonds will reimburse you for employee theft or dishonesty. You can get these bonds for free as an incentive to hire these applicants.

What federal bonds cover

Federal bonds will reimburse you if a bonded employee steals up to $25,000 of money or property during their first six months of employment.

How federal bonds help employers and workers

The benefits of federal bonds include:

  • Reducing risks for employers who hire people who are considered at-risk workers.
  • Providing opportunities to people who may struggle to get a job.

How to apply for federal bonds

Follow the steps below to apply for federal bonds.

  1. Complete the bond request form

    Print and fill out the Washington State Bond Request form (PDF, 368KB).

  2. Submit your application

    You can apply by email or mail. Choose the method that works best for you.

    Apply by email

    Email your form to bonds4jobs@esd.wa.gov.

    Apply by mail

    Mail your form to:

    Attn: Washington State Bonding Coordinator
    PO Box 9046
    Olympia, WA 98507

Related information

You can visit the Federal Bonding Program website to learn more about the program or read the: