For SharedWork employers and representatives
Upload using the secure web form or fax forms to 800-701-7754. Please do not email forms to SharedWork program staff.
For SharedWork program applicants
- SharedWork program application (PDF, 385KB) (Note: This version of the application does not include an employee list).
- Use the employee list (Excel, 10.5KB) to document which employees will participate in the SharedWork program.
- Complete a SharedWork program application with employee list (PDF, 424KB) if you do not want to use Excel to document which employees will participate.
- Use the additional employee list pages (PDF, 771KB) if you need more space to document which employees will participate.
- Download, print and post a SharedWork poster (PDF, 419KB) for participating employees to review.
For employers with an existing SharedWork plan
- Use the make corrections to one or more weekly claims (PDF, 232.13KB) form to report any difference between the SharedWork Payment Report and any previously reported hours and earnings.
- Use the add an employee (PDF, 224KB) form to add an employee to an existing SharedWork program plan.
- Use the remove an employee (PDF, 207KB) form to remove an employee from an existing SharedWork program plan if they:
- No longer work for your company.
- No longer want to participate in SharedWork.
- Your employer no longer wants them on the SharedWork plan.
For SharedWork employees
- Use the employee payment calculation chart (PDF, 248KB) to calculate your SharedWork benefit amount for the week.
- Use the employee earnings deduction chart (PDF, 229KB) to see how much we'll deduct from your weekly benefit amount.