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News release year:

  • 6/21/2012

    OLYMPIA – Job growth is heating up along with the summer weather, but it may not be enough to improve the forecast for workers whose skills are outdated or stale.

  • 6/19/2012

    OLYMPIA – Washington’s average annual wage grew by 3.6 percent in 2011, outpacing Seattle-area inflation by 0.9 percentage points, according to the state Employment Security Department.

  • 6/13/2012

    OLYMPIA – Washington’s jobs picture brightened significantly in May, with estimated net growth of 11,700 jobs, according to the state’s Employment Security Department.

  • 5/16/2012

    OLYMPIA – Washington’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell from 8.3 percent in March to an estimated 8.1 percent in April, despite losing an estimated 300 jobs during the same period.

  • 4/18/2012

    OLYMPIA – Washington employers added an estimated 3,300 jobs in March, marking 18 months of job growth in the past 19 months, according to the Employment Security Department.

  • 4/9/2012

    OLYMPIA – Watch for the yellow envelope! That’s the message the Washington state Employment Security Department is sending to jobless workers who are receiving long-term unemployment benefits called emergency unemployment compensation, or EUC.

  • 4/3/2012

    OLYMPIA – Washington state’s improving unemployment rate will reduce the maximum weeks of unemployment benefits from 99 to 73 for most eligible workers after April 21.

  • 3/29/2012

    OLYMPIA –More than two-third of employers who participated in the state’s Shared-Work layoff-avoidance program in 2011 say the program helped them survive the recession, according to a recent survey by the Washington Employment Security Department.

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