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News release year:

  • 1/14/2015

    The Nisqually River shoreline will once again become greener and healthier this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, thanks to Washington Service Corps AmeriCorps member Cris Peck.

  • 1/5/2015

    Whatcom County elementary school kids will learn about recycling and waste prevention while digging their little hands into great big globs of goopy, mushy paper pulp.

  • 12/17/2014

    OLYMPIA – Despite an estimated 6,800 new jobs from October 2014 to November 2014, Washington’s unemployment rate rose for a third month in a row to 6.2 percent, according to preliminary and seasonally adjusted labor statistics released by economists with the state Employment Security Department today. The national unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8 percent.

  • 12/4/2014

    OLYMPIA – Washington retailers will hire more than 15,000 seasonal workers throughout the fall holiday season, according to economists with the state’s Employment Security Department.

  • 11/20/2014

    SPOKANE – Gov. Jay Inslee joined students at Spokane’s North Central High School (NCHS) today to spotlight a successful youth career readiness project that includes internships in biomedical and other sciences. The governor announced the winners of a new round of federal grant funding that will provide education opportunities to help thousands of young people across Washington prepare for meaningful, living-wage careers.

  • 11/19/2014

    OLYMPIA – Washington’s unemployment rate rose slightly this month to 6.0 percent, despite an estimated gain of 5,600 jobs in October, according to preliminary and seasonally adjusted labor statistics released by economists with the state Employment Security Department today.

  • 11/10/2014

    OLYMPIA – The statewide WorkSource system is launching a new online tool this Veterans Day that makes it easier for veterans and exiting service members to find jobs in Washington’s civilian workforce.

  • 11/7/2014

    OLYMPIA – The Washington State Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues & Employment and the Washington State Business Leadership Network has honored seven public and private employers statewide for their exemplary work recruiting, hiring, retaining and promoting individuals with disabilities.

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