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News release year:

  • 5/14/2020

    OLYMPIA – Employment Security Department Commissioner, Suzi LeVine, released this statement regarding the rise in unemployment imposter fraud attempts:

  • 5/14/2020

    During the week of May 3-9, there were 109,425 initial regular unemployment claims (an increase of 8,663 from the previous week) and 1,301,564 total claims for all unemployment benefit categories (an increase of 215,533 from the previous week) filed by Washingtonians, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD).

  • 5/13/2020

    Employment Security Department Commissioner, Suzi LeVine, will discuss the agency’s efforts to fight increasing imposter fraud in the state’s Unemployment Insurance system. She will also discuss the latest unemployment claims numbers and the agency’s initiative, Operation 100%, to get all eligible applicants’ claims resolved or paid by mid-June.

  • 5/11/2020

    OLYMPIA – Employment Security Department Commissioner Suzi LeVine released this statement on Monday.

  • 5/7/2020

    During the week of April 26-May 2, there were 100,762 initial and 1,086,031 total claims for unemployment benefits filed by Washingtonians, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD). ESD paid out over $639 million (a decrease of $347 million from the previous week) to a total of 504,139 individuals (a decrease of 134 from the previous week). Approximately one-third of the $639 million paid out last week were paid with state unemployment trust funds vs two-third from federal funds.

  • 5/5/2020

    Unemployed workers throughout Washington will get jobs to help the state address and recover from the COVID-19 disaster, receive training for in-demand careers and get targeted help with their job search.

  • 4/30/2020

    OLYMPIA – Employment Security Department Commissioner Suzi LeVine released this statement today about Washingtonians awaiting unemployment benefits:

  • 4/30/2020

    During the week of April 19-25, there were 1,455,908 total claims for unemployment benefits filed by Washingtonians for unemployment benefits, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD).

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