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News release year:

  • 12/28/2020

    Employment Security Department Commissioner Suzi LeVine released a statement on Monday, following the new federal stimulus measure being signed into law by President Trump on Sunday evening.

  • 12/27/2020

    Earlier today, Gov. Jay Inslee announced that the state will pay $550 to almost 100,000 Washingtonians who will lose federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits at the end of December.

  • 12/23/2020

    During the week of December 13 – December 19, there were 17,596 initial regular unemployment claims (down 10.0 percent from the prior week) and 458,912 total claims for all unemployment benefit categories (down 6.6 percent from the prior week) filed by Washingtonians, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD).

  • 12/22/2020

    The Washington State Employment Security Department will publish its weekly initial unemployment claims press release for the week of December 13 - 19 on Wednesday December 23 at 10am instead of the usual Thursday morning release.

  • 12/21/2020

    Statement from Commissioner LeVine regarding the new federal stimulus package

    “We are grateful that Congress has extended, expanded and updated the unemployment benefits on which so many Washingtonians and their families rely. The threat of these benefits going away at the end of December was terrifying, and this brings much needed hope and relief for the New Year."

  • 12/18/2020

    The Employment Security Department (ESD) Commissioner, Suzi LeVine, shared this statement following the release of the first state audit findings by the Washington State Auditor’s Office

  • 12/17/2020

    During the week of December 6 – December 12, there were 19,547 initial regular unemployment claims (down 20.5 percent from the prior week) and 491,261 total claims for all unemployment benefit categories (down 0.3 percent from the prior week) filed by Washingtonians, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD).

  • 12/17/2020

    Businesses throughout the state have been critical to addressing the pandemic, and yet we know many are struggling from the impacts of this public health crisis. I applaud the governor’s leadership to address the impacts to employer’s tax rates through his legislative proposals announced today. We are working closely with the Governor’s Office and our partners to ensure businesses can receive the help and relief they need.

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