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Learn about an occupation 

Notice: The OID tool is currently not accessible for some users via the Chrome browser. We are working to resolve this issue. In the meantime, the tool is still accessible by using the Edge browser. 

The Occupations in Demand list is the product of a collaborative effort between ESD and Washington’s 12 Local Workforce Development Boards. LWDBs manage local lists and ensure the content is relevant, current and tailored to each local area. LWDBs can send updates and feedback to OID@esd.wa.gov.

What is this list?

The OID list shows whether an occupation in a local area is considered in demand, not in demand, or balanced. It also gives information about employment growth, wages, education needed, and how to access job postings, training and other resources. The list is used to support decisions surrounding eligibility for Training Benefits, WIOA and other training programs. The goal is to create opportunities for workers to acquire skills needed to access in-demand, living-wage jobs in their communities. Eligibility for training programs often hinges on the ability to demonstrate that the chosen occupation is likely to grow and support them in the future.

How to use this tool

Search for or select occupation titles to see job descriptions, education requirements, pay, and employment trends and resources. Filter by state or county, occupation category, and demand status. After selecting a filter, close the filter list to see the data. The list consists only of occupations that have 50 or more jobs within a designated geographical area. If your search produces no results, the occupation you picked is not on the list for your area. Click here for technical documentation for the list. You may also download the current list as a csv file.