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OLYMPIA – Governor-elect Bob Ferguson announced Friday that he reappointed Commissioner Cami Feek to continue in her role at the Washington State Employment Security Department.
In his press release, Governor-elect Ferguson announced three reappointments for state agency directors: Cami Feek, Derek Sandison as Director of the Department of Agriculture, and Major General Gent Welsh as the Adjutant General of the Washington Military Department.
“I am thankful for these individuals and their unwavering commitment to Washington state,” said Governor-elect Ferguson. “Their experience will help us move our state forward to better serve all Washingtonians.”
Feek was first appointed commissioner by Gov. Jay Inslee in June 2021. She previously served as Employment Security’s acting commissioner, deputy commissioner and chief operating officer. Find more information about Feek on ESD’s website.
“I’m thankful to Governor-elect Ferguson for having the confidence in me and our agency to achieve our mission and vision,” Feek said. “Our staff at Employment Security works tirelessly to serve our customers, who often reach out to us in their greatest times of need, whether it’s the loss of a job or during a family medical issue.
“I’m honored to serve in the role of commissioner and continue the critical work of serving Washingtonians.”
Employment Security Department manages the state’s Unemployment Insurance and Paid Family and Medical Leave programs. It’s also a major partner in Washington’s workforce development system through WorkSource and plays a key role in the WA Cares Fund.
Feek joined Employment Security in 2017 to design and stand up the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program, which celebrated key milestones this summer. She started in state government in 1996 in a non-permanent role in a mail room and worked her way up to executive leadership.
“I’m excited about the future of Employment Security and working with Governor-elect Ferguson,” Feek said. “And I appreciate Gov. Inslee’s leadership and support these past seven years, from starting our Paid Leave program from the ground up to improving the way we serve our customers.”