Definitions of terms

Look up definitions of terms we use across our website and in other communication.

Unemployment Claims Center

The team of agents skilled in answering questions from claimants and employers about unemployment benefits. The claims center number is 800-318-6022.

Agents on this phone line are not able to field questions about Paid Family & Medical Leave or about WA Cares. For help with those programs, see the entry about the Customer Care Team.

WA Cares

A Washington state program that provides long-term insurance for eligible workers who have contributed to the fund. It is managed by the state Department of Social & Health Services.

Partners are the state Health Care Authority and ESD. Our role in WA Cares is administering exemptions and collecting premiums.

waiting week

The first week you are eligible for unemployment benefits is your waiting week. You do not get paid for your waiting week. Read more about the waiting week on the weekly claims page. Even though you will not receive a payment, you need to be qualified for unemployment and submit a weekly claim to receive credit for your waiting week. We generally issue your first payment after you claim your second week, if you are eligible. You should continue to submit weekly claims and look for work every week that you want to receive benefits, unless we tell you otherwise.


Regarding discharge from work:

  • Malicious behavior.
  • Showing no concern for risk, injury or harm to another person when you knew, or should have known, it was harmful.
  • Not acting when there is a duty to act, knowing there could be an injury. 

Wanton misconduct must be connected to the claimant’s work.

Washington Administrative Code (WAC)

Rules or regulations written by executive branch agencies. They define and support the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), or state laws. 

weekly benefit amount (WBA)

Amount you are eligible to receive each week before any deductions.

weekly claim

Your request for payment of unemployment, paid family or paid medical leave benefits for a specific week.

workers’ compensation

A program that provides payments and medical benefits to employees who have work-related injuries or illnesses. In Washington, the program is managed by the Department of Labor & Industries. You cannot collect both workers’ compensation and unemployment benefits at the same time.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

 Federally funded employment services, workforce development, basic education for adults, and vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities. The goals of WIOA are to:

  • Improve the quality of the workforce.
  • Reduce welfare dependency.
  • Increase economic self-sufficiency.
  • Meet skills requirements of employers.
  • Enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation.

Learn more about WIOA on the U.S. Department of Labor website.


A statewide partnership of state and local government agencies, colleges and nonprofit organizations. They provide an array of employment and training services to job seekers and employers in Washington.

Customers access services electronically through the WorkSource website or through a network of more than 60 WorkSource centers, affiliates and connection sites.

WorkSource website

ESD manages the WorkSource website. It offers job seekers access to thousands of Washington jobs and job search tools. Employers get unlimited job postings, automatic ranking and side-by-side comparisons of applicants.