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Showing results for appeals

  • Benefit denials and appeals

    Benefit denials and appeals If you disagree with a decision we’ve made about your unemployment benefits, you can appeal that decision. The best way to do that is through eServices. After logging in, select your claim and navigate to the “Decision” status tab. Look for the decision you want to appeal and choose “Appeal.” We may ask you for additional information about your claim.  What can I appeal? Examples of decisions...

  • Reinstating Withdrawn Appeals

    Reinstating Withdrawn Appeals Description Claimants and employers who have appealed a determination of the Department may request to withdraw their appeal before their hearing occurs. Sometimes a claimant or employer may change their mind for some reason, such as not understanding the impact of withdrawing their appeal, and they may request to rescind the withdrawal of their appeal so that they can have a hearing. Currently, the Department’s rules do not set out a process for a...

  • Consent agreements

    Summaries of consent agreements resulting from lawsuits against Employment Security Duncan vs. Turner | Nava settlement | O'Brien, et al, vs. ESD | Othello Community Hospital | Pregnancy/disability    Duncan vs. Turner In 1987, the legislature passed a law giving claimants the option of filing for an alternate base year. Before this law was passed, if a claimant didn't have 680 hours worked in their base period (first four of...

  • LTSS Rule-making - Phase Two

    Phase Two - Premium Collection, CBA Exemption, Election of Coverage, Refunds, Reporting and Payments, Appeals   Description Rules for Phase Two include, but are not limited to, premium collection, collective bargaining agreement exemptions, election of coverage by self-employed individuals, refunds, cadence of reporting and payments, appeals, and other rules as necessary.   Stakeholder meetings Jan. 7, 2021 – Agenda    Documents CR-101 Draft...

  • Appeal an Unemployment tax decision

    Appeal an unemployment tax decision If you disagree with a decision we made regarding your account, such as your tax rate or a penalty we have charged you, or our decision to allow an employee unemployment-insurance benefits, you have the right to file an appeal. Before you file your appeal, you must have an appealable document from us. For example, if you want to appeal the amount of taxes or penalties, you will need a Notice of Assessment. If you disagree with a benefits decision, the written...

  • Statement of wages and hours

    Unemployment Claim Determination After you apply for benefits, we will mail you an Unemployment Claim Determination letter. It gives you information about your claim, including how much you are potentially eligible to receive. What is in the letter? The letter will contain your statement of wages and hours. The statement shows: Your weekly benefit amount – the most you may receive in a week. Your maximum benefits payable – the total amount potentially available on your...

  • Mailing addresses and fax numbers for benefit claimants

    Mailing addresses and fax numbers for benefit claimants Request for an appealClaims Center AppealsP.O. Box 19018Olympia, WA 98507-0018Fax: 800-301-1795 Petition for reviewAgency Records CenterP.O. Box 9555Olympia, WA 98507-9555 Advice-of-rights form, questionnaires about your job separation, and other requests for information to determine your eligibility for benefitsUnemployment Insurance ImagingP.O. Box 19019Olympia, WA 98507-0019Fax: 800-301-1796      Paper...

  • Data-sharing requests

    Data-sharing requests In the course of administering unemployment-insurance programs and benefits, we collect information from individuals, employers and WorkSource service providers. Some of that information is public; most is confidential. Information that identifies a person or an employer is protected by Employment Security, in accordance with stringent state and federal laws. Those laws allow us to release some confidential information, if the request or requester meets specific...

  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) on UI benefits

    Frequently asked questions (FAQ) on UI benefits   Many of your questions can be answered by referring to the Handbook for Unemployed Workers.   General Q. What are unemployment-insurance benefits?A. Unemployment benefits partially replace your regular earnings and help you meet expenses while you look for another job. They are not based on financial need. While receiving benefits, it’s your responsibility to get back to work as quickly...

  • Appealing audit findings

    Appealing audit findings If you disagree with your Notice and Order of Assessment (NOA) detailing any taxes due, penalty and/or interest liability, you can file an appeal. How to file an appeal Your appeal must be in writing and must include: Your business name; Your Employment Security reference number; Your address and phone number; and The reason you disagree with our decision. For tax appeals, your letter must be postmarked within 30 days of the date on the&#160...

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