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Showing results for 2017 minimum wage

  • Importing wage files in EAMS

    Importing wage files in EAMS   The information on this page: Applies if you are reporting wages for only one employer at a time. If you want to submit wages for multiple employers at one time, follow the bulk-filing specifications. Does not apply to Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) wage reporting. Find details about PFML employer requirements and processes on the Paid Leave website. Data file formats we accept EAMS accepts wage data...

  • Taxable wage base

    Taxable wage base The taxable wage base is the maximum amount on which you must pay taxes for each employee. The rate is calculated each year based on average wages in Washington. 2024 - $68,500 2023 - $67,600 2022 - $62,500 2021 - $56,500 2020 - $52,700 2019 - $49,800 2018 - $47,300 2017 - $45,000 2016 - $44,000 2015 - $42,100 2014 - $41,300 2013 - $39,800 2012 - $38,200 2011 - $37,300 2010 - $36,800 2009 - $35,700 2008 - $34,000 2007 - $31,400 2006 - $30,900...

  • Importing wage files

    //      Importing wage files in EAMS Please note: These file specifications do not apply to Paid Family and Medical Leave wage reporting. Details about those employer requirements and processes can be found on their website.  Specifications for the most common wage data file formats: Excel spreadsheet | ASCII-delimited | Tab-delimited | Comma-delimited | Washington State wage format | Federal format | Bulk filing...

  • Rule-making - Late wage reports

    Late wage reports DescriptionThe department is proposing to amend a rule to establish a $25 penalty for employers who file a late quarterly wage report. DocumentsCR 101 | CR 102 | Proposed rules | CR 103 | Final rules (back to recent rulemaking archive)  &#160...

  • Median and hourly wages

    Median and hourly wages The median and average hourly wage tables include annual data going back to 1990 for the state and each county. Unadjusted, inflation-adjusted and annualized data are listed, as well as a breakout for the private sector. The U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditure Implicit Price Deflator was used to convert nominal wages to constant-dollar (2018) wages. What is the data source for this report? The data are drawn from quarterly unemployment insurance tax...

  • Clark County profile

    Clark County profile by Scott Bailey, regional labor economist - updated July 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links | PDF Profile copy Overview Regional context Clark County is located in southwest Washington on the Columbia River, roughly 100 miles upstream from the Pacific Ocean. It is the fifth most populous county in the state,...

  • Rule-making - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)

    Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) DescriptionAmend WAC 192-310-010 to permit employers to use an ITIN when reporting their quarterly tax and wage reports when the individual employee is authorized to work in the United States but has not yet been issued a social security number. Public HearingWednesday, August 9, 2017, 9:30 a.m.Commissioner’s Conference RoomEmployment Security Department212 Maple Park AvenueOlympia, WA   DocumentsCR 101 | CR 102 | CR 103...

  • Klickitat County profile

    Klickitat County profile by Scott Bailey, regional labor economist - updated July 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links | PDF Profile copy  Overview Historical and regional context Klickitat County is located in south central Washington. Since time immemorial it was home to the Klickitat and Wishram tribes, hunter-gatherers...

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