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Showing results for employer must maintain what employee information

  • Referral union program

    Referral Union Program Some unions participate in the Referral Union Program. Participation in the program allows union members to count the union dispatch and referral system as fulfilling their job search requirements. Full referral unions maintain out-of-work lists and dispatch eligible members to available jobs. Members of referral unions who are registered and actively seeking work through the union do not have to seek work outside of the union. In order to participate in the program, a...

  • WorkSource FAQ

    WorkSource frequently asked questions Q. What is WorkSource? A. WorkSource is a partnership of state and local government agencies (including Employment Security), colleges and non-profit organizations that offer employment services for job seekers and businesses. There are about three dozen full-service WorkSource centers open to the public across the state, plus several dozen satellite sites that offer a smaller array of services. The offices are listed online and...

  • Trade adjustment assistance (for employees)

    Trade Adjustment Assistance for employees Help for workers affected by foreign trade                                                                Trade Adjustment...

  • Unemployment eligibility for workers

    Unemployment eligibility for workers The decision to allow or deny benefits is based on the information provided to us. That’s why it is so important for you as an employer to provide your side of the story in a timely manner. We review all documentation and fact-finding in the case. Fact-finding is any verbal or written communication with us that relates to the separation, such as phone interviews we conduct and responses to notices we send out. We then weigh the available information,...

  • Potential new claim alert

    Potential new claim alert Did you get a denial letter because you didn’t respond? Important! You need to call us so you don’t have to repay benefits. If you’ve been denied benefits because of a potential new claim issue, and the reason is because you didn’t respond to requests for information, you need to call a special temporary number so we can work to resolve your issue. This phone number will be on the letter we sent you....

  • Bids and contracts

    Bids and contracts Doing business with the Employment Security Department Employment Security (ESD) uses state contracts organized through the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) for most of our purchases and encourages vendors to contact DES to find out how to become a provider on state contracts. ESD posts procurement opportunities where there is not a state contract on Washington's Electronic Business Solution (WEBS).  Once...

  • Incomplete report penalties

    Incomplete report penalties If you repeatedly make one of the following errors on your unemployment tax reports, you will have to pay a penalty. Submit incomplete reports You must include all of the required information on your unemployment tax report. You must report the name, Social Security number, hours worked and wages for each employee every quarter. File in the wrong format  You must use a form that we provided. Our scanning equipment cannot read other forms, including...

  • Consent agreements

    Summaries of consent agreements resulting from lawsuits against Employment Security Duncan vs. Turner | Nava settlement | O'Brien, et al, vs. ESD | Othello Community Hospital | Pregnancy/disability    Duncan vs. Turner In 1987, the legislature passed a law giving claimants the option of filing for an alternate base year. Before this law was passed, if a claimant didn't have 680 hours worked in their base period (first four of...

  • Basic Eligibility Requirements

    Basic eligibility requirements Unemployment benefits partially replace your regular earnings and help you meet expenses while you look for another job. It is not based on financial need. Did not work in Washington state You cannot apply for unemployment benefits in Washington or file weekly claims here if you did not work in this state during the past 18 months. The only exceptions are if you were in the...

  • Federal Bonding

    Federal bonding The fidelity bonds issued by the Federal Bonding Program (FBP) protect employers against employee fraud and dishonesty. Employers receive the bonds free-of-charge as an incentive to hire these applicants. The FBP was designed to reimburse the employer for any loss due to employee theft of money or property up to $25,000 during the first six months of a selected individual's term of employment. The mission of the FBP is to give employers the peace of mind that you can safely...

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