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Showing results for 2017 minimum wage

  • Moving in or out of Washington state

    What to do if you’ve worked in or are moving to another state Where should you file your claim? If you have not worked in Washington during the last 18 months you cannot apply for unemployment benefits in Washington or file weekly claims in Washington state. You must file your claim with one of the state(s) where you worked in the last 18 months. Contact each state where you worked to find out your claim options for those states.The only exceptions are if you were in the military...

  • Self-Employment Assistance Program Report

    Self-Employment Assistance Program Report The purpose of the Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) is to assist eligible unemployed individuals in creating new businesses and job opportunities across Washington state. Unemployment insurance (UI) claimants, identified as likely to exhaust their regular unemployment benefits, are notified of the opportunity to enroll in SEAP training while continuing to receive their unemployment benefits. The 2011 Self-Employment Assistance Program...

  • Employer taxes forms and publications

    Unemployment taxes forms and publications   Unemployment tax, payment and refund forms Amended tax and wage report (PDF, 138K)  Payment coupon (PDF, 30KB) Refund request form (Claim for refund) EMS 5227 (PDF, 26KB) Request TAX method payment (PDF, 137 KB) Request a tax penalty waiver form (online form) Voluntary election (PDF, 37 KB) Work Opportunity Tax Credit prescreen form 8850 (PDF, 248KB) Work Opportunity...

  • Calculate your benefit

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    // 1079) { wba2 = 1079; } if (wba2 Estimate your benefit   Although we cannot tell you how much you will receive until you apply for benefits, you can estimate your own weekly benefit amount ahead of time.     When will I know my weekly benefit amount?   After you apply for benefits, we will mail you an Unemployment Claim Determination letter that tells you how much you are potentially eligible to...

  • Trade adjustment assistance (for employees)

    Trade Adjustment Assistance for employees Help for workers affected by foreign trade                                                                Trade Adjustment...

  • SharedWork for employees/participants

    SharedWork for employees/participants How to get started To start receiving unemployment benefits through the SharedWork Program, your employer must first submit a SharedWork application and the Employment Security Department must approve the application. Your employer will assign a SharedWork representative, who will explain how to apply for unemployment benefits and answer your questions. In SharedWork terms, you will be known as both an “employee” and a SharedWork...

  • About EAMS

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    About Employer Account Management Services (EAMS)  EAMS is a secure online option for filing quarterly wage reports and paying unemployment-insurance taxes. We recommend EAMS as an all-in-one option for submitting wage reports, paying taxes and managing your account with us. IMPORTANT: When setting up EAMS, be sure to enroll in locked services. You'll need locked services to access all of the features listed. Please note...

  • SharedWork - Webinar

    SharedWork Webinars Get answers to your questions about SharedWork at a live Webinar. To respect individual confidentiality, it is important to point out that this is not an opportunity to answer questions about individual or personal situations. This webinar will be conducted using WebEx, you may be asked to download a WebEx extension. For issues connecting to the webinar, please visit http://help.webex.com We can’t provide technical assistance....

  • Unemployment taxes

    Unemployment taxes   If you have employees working in Washington, you likely must pay unemployment taxes on their wages in this state. Tax reports or tax and wage reports are due quarterly. Liable employers must submit a tax report every quarter, even if there are no paid employees that quarter or taxes are unable to be paid. New employer webinar video. New employer webinar slide deck. Learn about reimbursable employers. Understand how tax-rate...

  • Benton County profile

    Benton County profile by Ajsa Suljic, regional labor economist - updated March 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links | PDF Profile copy Overview Regional context Benton County, named after Missouri Senator Thomas Hart Benton, was created from eastern Yakima and Klickitat counties in 1905. The county is located in southeastern...

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