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Showing results for 缳ī rtf423.top ģ ٿε ī ī ̿Ʈ ī Ģ NDC 2022 ī ¶ Ըӽ Ʈ W88 Ա

  • WIOA Annual Performance Narrative Report

    WIOA annual performance narrative report Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 establishes the structure and relationship between national, state and local workforce investment activities. “The purpose of Title I and Title III is to assist individuals in accessing employment, education and training to succeed in the labor market, and to match employers with skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. The goal is for...

  • Establishment size

    Establishment size Establishment size data provide a count of establishments and their size class based on their number of employees, for each Washington industry and for each county. Every year, we tabulate the number of establishments operating in Washington state and sort them by size. We provide counts by industry sector and subsector for each county. The data are screened to protect confidentiality. What is the data source? We use first quarter data from the Quarterly Census of...

  • Clark County profile

    Clark County profile by Scott Bailey, regional labor economist - updated July 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links | PDF Profile copy Overview Regional context Clark County is located in southwest Washington on the Columbia River, roughly 100 miles upstream from the Pacific Ocean. It is the fifth most populous county in the state,...

  • LTSS Rulemaking

    Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) rules    Stay informed! Sign up here to receive LTSS rulemaking updates. NOTE: Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) is now called WA Cares Fund. Visit us at wacaresfund.wa.gov.     Rules under development Implementation of Substitute House Bill (SHB) 2467, qualified individuals, and other topics Description: SHB 2467 (Chapter 120, Laws of 2024) allows individuals who relocate...

  • UI Benefits rulemaking

    Unemployment Insurance Benefits Rules    Rules under development Benefit Charging Reinstating Withdrawn Appeals Corporate officer clean-up Conditional payments Public Health Emergencies Failure to respond Transportation Network Companies Officers of Employee-Owned Cooperatives Standard occupational classification reporting for federally recognized tribes Expanding good cause for voluntarily quitting employment Public Records Procedures...

  • Median and hourly wages

    Median and hourly wages The median and average hourly wage tables include annual data going back to 1990 for the state and each county. Unadjusted, inflation-adjusted and annualized data are listed, as well as a breakout for the private sector. The U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditure Implicit Price Deflator was used to convert nominal wages to constant-dollar (2018) wages. What is the data source for this report? The data are drawn from quarterly unemployment insurance tax...

  • Bulk filing in EAMS

    Bulk filing in EAMS Bulk filing (formerly referred to as ICESA Washington Reporting) is for employers or their agents who prepare quarterly reports for a large number of clients and submit them in a single file. Bulk filing is recommended for employers who report more than 5,000 wage records. Benefits of bulk filing with EAMS Bulk file upload (ICESA): Upload a test or production file and receive instant validation results and confirmation. Amend quarterly reports: Amend a previously...

  • Home

    New to unemployment? Unemployment benefits may be available if you have recently lost your job.     Start here Need help with your job search?  WorkSource reemployment specialists offer in-person and virtual services throughout the state.    Visit the WorkSource site For employers:  Required reporting of SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) codes started with reporting for fourth quarter of 2022. Learn more about...

  • Business employment dynamics

    Business employment dynamics The business employment dynamics (BED) report covers job gains and losses at private sector firms and identifies whether the change is due to businesses opening or closing, or due to increases and decreases in employment at existing firms. What is the data source for the BED report? The Bureau of Labor Statistics generates business employment dynamics data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program. QCEW data are drawn from reports of employment...

  • GCDE projects

    Governor's Committee on Disability Issues & Employment projects Resources on this page include: Legislative Workgroup | Accessible Communities | Awards | Community Outreach | Membership | Youth Leadership Forum | PROJECTS We have general membership meetings three times a year. Between those meetings, established subcommittees meet to work on special projects that were recommended by each subcommittee and approved by the general...

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