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Showing results for employer must maintain what employee information

  • Transportation Network Companies

    Transportation Network Companies Description The Employment Security Department (Department) is engaging in rulemaking to amend current rules in accordance with the Department’s 2022 report on transportation network companies and to integrate transportation network companies and their drivers into the unemployment insurance system as set forth in SHB 1570 (2023). This rulemaking will cover unemployment insurance only and will not cover paid family and medical leave. More...

  • Appealing audit findings

    Appealing audit findings If you disagree with your Notice and Order of Assessment (NOA) detailing any taxes due, penalty and/or interest liability, you can file an appeal. How to file an appeal Your appeal must be in writing and must include: Your business name; Your Employment Security reference number; Your address and phone number; and The reason you disagree with our decision. For tax appeals, your letter must be postmarked within 30 days of the date on the&#160...

  • Jobs & Training

    Jobs & training   Together with other partners in the statewide WorkSource system, we help workers find jobs and map out new careers by connecting to a variety of training programs. Studies have shown that people who use WorkSource job-search services find work faster and earn more money than those who don’t – so, give it a try!  On this page • WorkSource jobs and services• Special programs and services• Training programs• Unemployment benefits...

  • LTSS Rulemaking

    Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) rules    Stay informed! Sign up here to receive LTSS rulemaking updates. NOTE: Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) is now called WA Cares Fund. Visit us at wacaresfund.wa.gov.     Rules under development Implementation of Substitute House Bill (SHB) 2467, qualified individuals, and other topics Description: SHB 2467 (Chapter 120, Laws of 2024) allows individuals who relocate...

  • Unemployment report on immigrant benefits

    Employment Security Department asks for public input for unemployment report on immigrant benefits  (en español) The 2021-2023 fiscal biennium operating appropriations bill (SB 5092) requires the Employment Security Department (ESD) to produce a report by November 5, 2021, on the feasibility of replicating the existing Unemployment Insurance program to serve individuals not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits due to immigration status. As part of this report, we want to hear...

  • Pat Bauccio

    Patricia Bauccio (GCDE Chair)Snohomish CountyTerm End: 2020Legislative Dist: 39Congressional Dist: 1Engagements: ACAC, Community Outreach, Coordinating, Governor’s Employer Awards, Youth Leadership Forum,...

  • LTSS Rule-making - Governance

    Rules Governance (Expedited)   Description The Employment Security Department must engage in rulemaking to implement certain provisions of the Long-Term Services and Supports Trust Program under Title 50B RCW. Amendments to WAC 192-01-001 are necessary to assign chapters 192-900 through 192-999 WAC to this program.   Documents CR-105 Rules CR-103      (back to the Long-term Services and Supports rulemaking home page...

  • Rule-making - Hours of Availability and Suitable Work (2021)

    Hours of availability and suitable work (2021) Description Employment Security is engaging in rulemaking to adjust the standard for the hours a claimant must be available for work in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits and to update factors used to determine suitable work. Documents CR 101  |  CR 102  |  Proposed rules  |  Preliminary cost-benefit analysis  |  CR 103 |  Final rule |  Concise explanatory statement&#160...

  • Benefits data dashboard

    Benefits data dashboard Disclaimer: The information on this dashboard is a snapshot in time. Data will change as pending claims and appeals are approved or denied. The data provided on the dashboard is updated quarterly, typically by the 20th of the month after the end of the quarter. More information about the data can be found below the charts.     //   Page 1: Unique individuals filing claims...

  • You Quit

    Unemployment benefits if you quit your job Can you get benefits if you quit your job? It depends. We'll decide if you are eligible for unemployment benefits based on the facts about your job loss. You may qualify for unemployment benefits if we decide you quit for the following good-cause reasons: You quit to take another job. You became sick or disabled, or a member of your family became sick, disabled or died, and it was necessary for you to quit work. You moved to be with your spouse or...

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