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  • GCDE members

    Governor's Committee on Disability Issues & Employment MEMBERS...

    Yvonne Bussler-White, vice chair• Okanogan County• Legislative District 12• Congressional District 4 Subcommittees:• Awards chair• Coordinating• Youth Leadership Forum Dave Carl• Clark County• Legislative District 49• Congressional District 3 Subcommittees:• Accessible Communities• Outreach co-vice-chair Amy Cloud, M.Ed...

  • Legislation - Recent and new laws FAQ

    Legislation - Recent and new laws FAQ Q. Have there been recent changes in Employment Security or unemployment-insurance laws?A. In 2011, the state legislature reduced unemployment-insurance taxes for most employers by capping the social-cost component of the unemployment tax and lowering the multipliers that set the social-cost tax rate for 20 of the 40 rate classes. The tax reductions will save employers more than $300 million in 2011, with a total savings of about $360 million from...

  • Shared Work Program still helping more than 700 Washington Businesses

    Shared Work Program still helping more than 700 Washington businesses by Chad Pearson, Shared Work marketing manager for the Employment Security Department (12/18/15) Washington businesses big and small continue to avoid layoffs using the Employment Security Department’s Shared Work Program. Even as Washington’s unemployment rate has dropped to nearly, 5 percent, more than 700 businesses in the state continue to use the program. That’s because Shared Work can be helpful not only during a...

  • Sponsors - 2019 Labor Market Symposium

     HOME  |  AGENDA  |  KEYNOTE SPEAKERS  |  BREAKOUT SPEAKERS  |  PRESENTATIONS  |  SPONSORSHOTEL  |  GETTING TO BELL HARBOR  |  ABOUT LMEA  |  CONTACT Become a Symposium Sponsor There are limited Symposium sponsorship opportunities available. Symposium Sponsor What the sponsor would provide Sponsor fee: $2,500 Promote the Symposium...

  • Unemployment report on immigrant benefits

    Employment Security Department asks for public input for unemployment report on immigrant benefits  (en español) The 2021-2023 fiscal biennium operating appropriations bill (SB 5092) requires the Employment Security Department (ESD) to produce a report by November 5, 2021, on the feasibility of replicating the existing Unemployment Insurance program to serve individuals not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits due to immigration status. As part of this report, we want to hear...

  • COVID-19 (coronavirus) rulemaking response

    COVID-19 Emergency Rules    All pandemic era emergency rules have expired. Information on emergency rules that were adopted permanently is available here. Emergency rules listed here are for historical reference only.    DescriptionOn Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020, Gov. Jay Inslee proclaimed a State of Emergency in Washington regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus). The proclamation directs agencies and departments to support the state Department of Health and...

  • WIOA Quarterly Performance Reports

    WIOA quarterly performance reports Statewide and workforce development area (WDA) quarterly performance reports (QPRs) in both single quarter and rolling 4 quarter are now available. Statewide Single Quarter  PY 2023, Q3 (ending 3/31/2024) WIOA Youth WIOA Adult WIOA Dislocated Worker Wagner-Peyser TAA Statewide Rolling 4 Quarters PY 2023, Q3 (ending 3/31/2024) WIOA Youth WIOA Adult WIOA Dislocated Worker Wagner-Peyser TAA...

  • ID-me

    Verify your identity This page pertains to you only if you are an unemployment claimant who received a message in your eServices account stating that you need to verify your identity using ID.me.   If you did not receive the message, you don’t need to take action on this page. If you did receive the message, you must verify your identity by the date in your letter. Here’s how: Refer to your letter...

  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

    ALERT Employer representatives: You need to submit new 9198 forms to be able to enter applications for the firms you represent The U.S. Department of Labor has discontinued Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative (IRS Form 2848). They replaced it with the new Work Opportunity Tax Credit  ETA Form 9198 Employer Representative Declaration.  Form 9198 is not for businesses who file WOTC applications on their own behalf. It applies only to firms that file applications on...

    Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)   The WOTC is a tax incentive for employers to hire certain hard-to-place job seekers. The goal is to help these individuals become economically self-sufficient and to reward employers who give them a chance. Employers can reduce their federal business taxes by anywhere from $2,400 to $9,600 per eligible employee. The amount employers get is based on: The employee's target group Wages earned and hours worked by the...

  • Furloughed state employees: SharedWork Q&A

    Furloughed state employees: SharedWork Q&A   Filing the initial application When should I apply for unemployment benefits?You can set up your SAW account and use ESD’s eServices to apply for benefits once ESD approves your employer’s SharedWork application. A SharedWork representative from your agency will contact staff about next steps. Open this PowerPoint chart. I heard the base year changed on July 1. Should I wait to file to get more benefits?It depends on your situation. If you...

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