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Showing results for 2017 minimum wage

  • Public works contracts FAQ

    Public works contracts frequently asked questions Q. Who completes and files the Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract form?A. The awarding agency must fill out the Notice of Completion form and submit it. The form serves as a request for the us to review whether the contractor has any outstanding tax liabilities. More information and the form are available at Labor & Industries Public Works Projects.  Q. What is the difference between a...

  • Unemployment-insurance benefits FAQ

    Unemployment-insurance benefits FAQ   What is the current unemployment rate? Employment Security publishes the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate once a month on the labor-market information section of our website. The...

  • Lincoln County profile

    Lincoln County profile by Doug Tweedy, regional labor economist - updated March 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links | PDF Profile copy Overview Regional context Lincoln County is a rural county at the northern edge of the Palouse wheat-growing region. The economy is dominated by wheat production. The entire northern boundary of the...

  • Pend Oreille County profile

    Pend Oreille County profile by Doug Tweedy, regional labor economist - updated March 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links|  PDF Profile copy Overview Regional context Pend Oreille County is in the northeast corner of Washington. The county is bound by Canada to its north and Idaho to its east. Most of the county is dominated by the...

  • Spokane County profile

    Spokane County profile by Doug Tweedy, regional labor economist - updated March 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links | PDF Profile copy Overview Regional context Spokane County is situated east of the Cascade Range and on the western slope of the Coeur d’Alene Mountains next to the Idaho border. Spokane County ranks in the middle of...

  • Whitman County profile

    Whitman County profile by Doug Tweedy, regional labor economist - updated March 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links | PDF Profile copy Overview Regional context Whitman County covers 2,159.09 square miles of land, ranking 10th in size among Washington’s 39 counties. Whitman County was named after Marcus Whitman, an early pioneering...

  • Furloughed state employees: SharedWork Q&A

    Furloughed state employees: SharedWork Q&A   Filing the initial application When should I apply for unemployment benefits?You can set up your SAW account and use ESD’s eServices to apply for benefits once ESD approves your employer’s SharedWork application. A SharedWork representative from your agency will contact staff about next steps. Open this PowerPoint chart. I heard the base year changed on July 1. Should I wait to file to get more benefits?It depends on your situation. If you...

  • Skagit County profile

    Skagit County profile by Anneliese Vance-Sherman, Ph.D., regional labor economist - updated May 2022 Overview | Geographic facts | Outlook | Labor force and unemployment | Industry employment | Wages and income | Population | Useful links | PDF Profile copy  Overview Regional context Skagit County, located in northwest Washington, is situated between Whatcom County to the north and Snohomish County to the south. The Salish Sea lies to...

  • Potential new claim alert

    Potential new claim alert Did you get a denial letter because you didn’t respond? Important! You need to call us so you don’t have to repay benefits. If you’ve been denied benefits because of a potential new claim issue, and the reason is because you didn’t respond to requests for information, you need to call a special temporary number so we can work to resolve your issue. This phone number will be on the letter we sent you....

  • PUA documents required

    PUA documents required This page applies to you ONLY if you're a Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claimant and you received a notice from us saying you need to submit PUA required documents. See your letter or eServices notice for instructions. The Continued Assistance Act updated the rules about eligibility for PUA. The law requires that those receiving PUA starting Dec. 27, 2020, and after need to send documents to prove their work history. This...

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