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Unemployment Insurance for Educational Employees

Under federal law, educational employees are not eligible for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits during traditional break periods in situations where they have “reasonable assurance” that they will continue working after the break.

However, if they do not have “reasonable assurance” that they will continue working after the break, then – depending on the situation – they may be eligible to use those wages for their UI claim.

Definition of educational employees

The term “educational employees” includes anyone who works for any level of educational institution, including K-12 and higher education. This includes, but is not limited to, teachers, administrators, principals, librarians, bus drivers, custodians, and professors.

Eligibility test

There is a three-part “test” to determine whether educational employees may be able to use the wages for their UI claim:

  • Test One: Does the situation meet the prerequisites?
  • Test Two: Is there a contract?
  • Test Three: Is there reasonable assurance?

Multiple employers

In situations where educational employees have multiple employers, they cannot use wages from employers from whom they do have reasonable assurance for their claim. However, they can use wages from employers from whom they do not have reasonable assurance.

“Voluntary quit” situations 

If employees have reasonable assurance but they quit voluntarily, they may or may not be able to use the wages for their UI claim, depending on why they quit.

Additional information