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Workforce Data Quality Initiative (WDQI)

What is WDQI?

WDQI is a collaborative partnership between the federal Departments of Labor and Education. The WDQI requires states to demonstrate measurable outcomes using longitudinal data systems that follow individuals through school and throughout their careers.

WQDI grant recipients are expected to partner with workforce and educational agencies. One of Washington state's grant deliverables was to assess the quality of one-stop data to determine whether it met data integrity expectations, so that the data could be analyzed to determine customer outcomes.

More information on WDQI:

The U.S. Department of Labor and Employment Training Administration website can provide more information including a WDQI overview, grant information, technical assistance and resource links.

WDQI in Washington state:

WDQI partnerships exist between Employment Security and the Office of Financial Management’s Education Research and Data Center (ERDC). A grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment Training Administration in 2015 funded research projects for both partners which resulted in a number of reports and data visualizations. For more information about the ERDC and the work they do, please visit them at https://erdc.wa.gov/about-us-0.

WorkSource system performance

A public-facing dashboard provides complete and consistent documentation of workforce data over time and geography. Data can be accessed in a consistent and replicable manner and shows:

  • both job seekers and employers served for the state and by each of the twelve workforce development areas (WDAs);
  • services broken down by program and area; and
  • outcomes measures by exit quarter, employment and median wages.

Data in the dashboard covers the timeframe starting in the first quarter of program year 2016, or July 2016 through the end of the most current quarter (March, 2018). Data are refreshed typically within 10 days of the end of the quarter.

System performance dashboard

Washington state WDQI Reports

Additional LMI reports are available for download in the report library.