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Showing results for 2017 minimum wage

  • Establishment size

    Establishment size Establishment size data provide a count of establishments and their size class based on their number of employees, for each Washington industry and for each county. Every year, we tabulate the number of establishments operating in Washington state and sort them by size. We provide counts by industry sector and subsector for each county. The data are screened to protect confidentiality. What is the data source? We use first quarter data from the Quarterly Census of...

  • Paper Tax Forms

    Get paper unemployment tax forms If you decide not to file electronically, you also have the option of filing your unemployment taxes using paper forms. You must use our original forms, and mail them back to us.  We do not accept copies because our unemployment tax forms use unique ink that allows the information to be scanned into our computer system. Copy machines cannot reproduce the ink, so when someone submits a copy of the form, the information must be hand-keyed into the system. If...

  • Mailing addresses and fax numbers for benefit claimants

    Mailing addresses and fax numbers for benefit claimants Request for an appealClaims Center AppealsP.O. Box 19018Olympia, WA 98507-0018Fax: 800-301-1795 Petition for reviewAgency Records CenterP.O. Box 9555Olympia, WA 98507-9555 Advice-of-rights form, questionnaires about your job separation, and other requests for information to determine your eligibility for benefitsUnemployment Insurance ImagingP.O. Box 19019Olympia, WA 98507-0019Fax: 800-301-1796      Paper...

  • Filing a no payroll report

    Filing a no payroll report All employers must file a tax and wage report every quarter, including employers who have no payroll for a given quarter. You can file a no-payroll report using Employer Account Management Services (EAMS).  Note: If you do not file a tax report each quarter, you will have to pay a penalty.  &#160...

  • Register - 2020 Eastern Washington Labor Market Symposium


  • Register your business

    Register your business Register with the Employment Security Department (ESD) If you have employees in Washington, you must register with us to file quarterly wage reports and pay unemployment insurance taxes.   How registration works When you apply for a business license and check the boxes to indicate you have or plan to hire employees, Business Licensing Service notifies us. We register your business and send you a letter letting you know that your business is now...

  • Legislation - Recent and new laws FAQ

    Legislation - Recent and new laws FAQ Q. Have there been recent changes in Employment Security or unemployment-insurance laws?A. In 2011, the state legislature reduced unemployment-insurance taxes for most employers by capping the social-cost component of the unemployment tax and lowering the multipliers that set the social-cost tax rate for 20 of the 40 rate classes. The tax reductions will save employers more than $300 million in 2011, with a total savings of about $360 million from...

  • ALERT - UTAB Computer Upgrade Outage

    ALERT: Phone service and some online services unavailable today - Saturday, Sept. 16 Updated Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017 Some services are unavailable today, Sept. 16, while we upgrade our unemployment benefits computer system. Unemployment claimants: Today you won’t be able to apply for benefits, submit weekly claims or send secure messages by phone or online.  You will still be able to use the Look up your past wages tool online using eServices. Employers...

  • Employment Security Advisory Committee (ESAC)

    Employment Security Advisory Committee (ESAC) The committee has disbanded because ESD’s Unemployment Insurance Advisory Committee has taken its place. The last ESAC meeting was in October 2021.   ESAC was formed in August 2013 in collaboration with Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s office. The committee’s goal was to help ESD implement our new strategy and goals and to help us stay aligned with Governor Inslee’s Results...

  • Standard occupational code reporting for federally recognized tribes

    Standard occupational code reporting for federally recognized tribes Description This rulemaking will enact changes made by House Bill 1684 (2023), which allows, but does not require, federally-recognized tribes to report to the Employment Security Department standard occupational code and job titles for its employees in its wage reports.   Documents CR 101 | Pre CR-102 draft rule | CR 102 | Proposed Rules | Preliminary Cost Benefit Analysis...

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