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Media Contacts:  Norton Sweet, 360-735-4951, nsweet@esd.wa.gov
                                 Kristin Alexander, 360-902-9540, kalexander@esd.wa.gov

VANCOUVER – WorkSource Vancouver will open Monday, Nov. 16, at noon in a new location at 204 S.E. Stone Mill Drive, Suite 215, in Vancouver.

“Employers and job seekers should enjoy the updated center,” said WorkSource Vancouver Administrator Norton Sweet. “We’ll be providing a professional space that will include Wi-Fi and laptops for employers and job seekers to use.”

WorkSource provides no-cost employment and training services to help employers find the workers they need and help individuals find the jobs they want.

Services for business include candidate recruiting and screening, job fairs and hiring events, training and skills acquisition for existing workers, labor market data and engagement and development opportunities with youth workers.

Individuals who have been laid off from a job, are rethinking their career or are just starting out can go to WorkSource for help searching for work, assessing and building skills, exploring careers and connecting with employers that are hiring.

WorkSource Vancouver is open Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The center’s phone number is 360-735-5000 or visit online at go2worksource.com or www.facebook.com/WorkSourceSW. The current WorkSource location on Mill Plain will be open through Nov. 13.

Washington’s WorkSource system is a statewide partnership of state, local and nonprofit agencies that deliver a wide array of employment and training services for job seekers and employers.

In 2014, staff at 68 WorkSource centers, affiliates and connections sites helped roughly 169,500 workers and nearly 5,600 Washington employers.

Studies have shown that people who use WorkSource job-search services tend to find work faster and earn more money than those who don’t. WorkSource locations can be found at go2worksource.com.
