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Contacts:  Ann Hartman, Employment Security Department Communications Office, 360-902-9476

                   Doug Loney, WorkSource Pullman, 509-527-1827

OLYMPIA – Job seekers and businesses will be able to access WorkSource services at a new location in Pullman as of Wednesday, Oct. 30. The new facility will include more computer resources for clients and better meeting spaces for training and business services.

The new office space is located at 1615 NE Eastgate Blvd., Ste. A101, in Building One of Washington State University’s Research & Technology Park in Pullman. WorkSource Pullman’s new phone number is 509-339-7410.

“We feel the community will be really pleased with the new office and location,” said WorkSource Administrator Doug Loney. “We have a great new space where we can offer additional services, including computer labs, hiring events and workshops that we were unable to accommodate in our previous location.”

The center will offer free Wi-Fi for customers, computers for job searching, a training room, and private rooms for conducting job interviews. The new location is on several bus lines and has ample parking.

“We invite the public to check out our new space as we settle in,” Loney said.

Washington’s WorkSource system is a statewide partnership of state, local and non-profit agencies that deliver a wide array of employment and training services for both job seekers and employers.

Studies have shown that people who use WorkSource job-search services tend to find work faster and earn more money than those who don’t. Find all WorkSource locations at Washington’s free job match website: WorkSourceWA.com. Select the Resources tab and choose WorkSource locator.