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Media contact: Rick Van Cise, WorkSource communications, 360-902-9454

OLYMPIA – Finding a summer job in this economy is tough.  And for young people with little work experience, it’s especially important to know how to put your best foot forward. 

That’s where WorkSource comes in.

Staff at the WorkSource center in Kennewick are helping tomorrow’s workers find summer jobs today through Summer Youth Vocational Challenge 2011.  The three-day workshop in June will show how to write an eye-catching résumé, ace a job interview and dress for success.

Employment Security Commissioner Paul Trause said these skills will serve young people the rest of their lives.

“Employers are looking for people who have it together,” he said.  “For entry-level jobs where prior work experience isn’t crucial, packaging yourself properly can make the difference.” 

Past workshops have been a huge success.  Business owners who hired participants credit WorkSource for the strong work ethic the trainees brought to the job. 

One young graduate who had been looking for work for months said, “This program gave me a real chance to prove myself to employers.”

The Summer Youth Vocational Challenge is for ages 16-21 and is June 14-16 at the Richland Community Center.  To register, call WorkSource Columbia Basin at 509-734-5978.  The $25 cost includes lunch, snacks and a BBQ awards celebration.  Scholarships are available.

WorkSource is a statewide partnership of Employment Security, workforce development councils, other state agencies, colleges and nonprofit organizations that work together to provide free employment and training services to job seekers and employers. WorkSource also can help employers recruit and screen for qualified workers, apply for employment tax breaks and qualify for subsidized employee training.


Web links

WorkSource: www.go2worksource.com

Employment Security: www.esd.wa.gov

Broadcast version

With the Tri-Cities teen unemployment rate topping 20-percent, it’s tougher than ever for young people to find work this summer.

The WorkSource center in Kennewick is doing something about it with a special three-day workshop that teaches young adults how to put their best foot forward when applying for work.  

This year’s Summer Youth Vocational Challenge shows how to write an eye-catching résumé, ace a job interview and dress for success.

It’s June 14th through the 16th at the Richland Community Center.  To register, call WorkSource at 509-734-5978.  The cost is 25-dollars, but scholarships are available.
