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Media contact: Janelle Guthrie, communications director, 360-902-9289

Cynthia Forland, director of the Washington Employment Security Department’s Labor Market and Performance Analysis (LMPA) Division, has been named the new chairperson for the Workforce Information Advisory Council (WIAC).

The Workforce Information Advisory Council is a Federal Advisory Committee, comprised of workforce and labor market information experts.

The WIAC makes recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Labor regarding improvements to the national workforce and labor market system—and the statewide systems that comprise the nationwide system. The group also addresses how the US Department of Labor (USDOL) and states will cooperate to manage those systems.

The USDOL relies on these systems to produce employment-related statistics and state and local workforce and labor market information.

In Washington state, the Employment Security Department’s (ESD) LMPA Division produces monthly state and county level unemployment reports, and collects and analyzes labor market and workforce development information to support policymakers, businesses and job seekers as they navigate a changing economy.

“Cynthia’s keen grasp of economic information and its implications at the state and national level, coupled with her love of technology, make her an excellent choice to lead this advisory committee,” said ESD Commissioner Dale Peinecke. “We’re confident her continued work on this committee will benefit not just Washington state but the nation as a whole.”

Under Forland’s leadership, ESD recently revamped how it presents labor market information on its website and released new tools, including a video tutorial to showcase popular information and data.

Forland has served in her current capacity for nearly five years after leading ESD’s Research and Policy unit for roughly 18 months.  She previously worked as a research analyst for the Washington State Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee.

She graduated from the New School for Social Research with a Ph.D. in Philosophy.


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