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Media contact:  Janelle Guthrie, communications director, 360-902-9289

- The Office of the Paid Family and Medical Leave Ombuds recently launched its new website with information about services and resources for workers and employers who need help resolving issues with the Employment Security Department and the Paid Family and Medical Leave program.

The Office of the Paid Family and Medical Leave Ombuds identifies and eliminates service deficiencies and continuously seeks to improve the Paid Family and Medical Leave insurance program.

The ombuds and her team advocates for the rights of Washington workers and employers who need help in their dealings with the Employment Security Department (the Department) and Paid Family and Medical Leave.

The office works to improve Paid Family and Medical Leave by making recommendations based upon the results of complaint investigations in an impartial, efficient and timely manner.

“We are committed to addressing concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible,” said Paid Family and Medical Leave Ombuds Edsonya Charles. “We believe it is important for government to embody a culture of customer service and actively work with residents to solve problems.”

Although the Office of the Paid Family and Medical Leave Ombuds is physically located in the Employment Security Department, the Ombuds is appointed by the Governor, serves as a neutral independent third party and maintains full autonomy from the Department.

The Paid Family and Medical Leave Ombuds maintains confidentiality of all records, materials and information gathered in the course of providing services, unless disclosure is required by law.

Information about an inquiry or complaint will not be disclosed without authorization, unless required by law.

Advocates, not lawyers or legal representatives
The Ombuds office does not provide legal representation or legal advice. It helps people understand how to navigate the Paid Family and Medical Leave insurance program and assists in solving problems.

Find more information about the Paid Family and Medical Leave Ombuds at: paidleaveombuds.wa.gov
