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Media contact: Sheryl Hutchison, communications director, 360-902-9289

OLYMPIA – Watch for the yellow envelope!

That’s the message the Washington state Employment Security Department is sending to jobless workers who are receiving long-term unemployment benefits called emergency unemployment compensation, or EUC. 

Under a new federal law, most people who are claiming emergency benefits are required to attend an appointment at their local WorkSource employment center, where they will receive an orientation, skill assessment and review of their work-search efforts. People who fail to attend the required meeting may have to repay some or all of their unemployment benefits.

To help ensure that claimants have every opportunity to comply, appointment letters are being mailed in yellow envelopes, with a WorkSource return address.  

“Congress has come to realize that the employment services offered through WorkSource help the unemployed return to work faster,” said Employment Security Commissioner Paul Trause.  “Getting back to work faster is better for the workers’ financial wellbeing, and it reduces the strain on the unemployment trust fund.” 

Washington was the first state in the nation to conduct a study of the effectiveness of WorkSource services.  The 2009 study found that unemployed workers who received job-search assistance from WorkSource were up to 37 percent more likely to find work within the study period than those who didn’t receive the services. 

Between now and the end of 2012, Employment Security officials estimate that 55,000 emergency-benefit recipients will be scheduled for the required meeting at WorkSource. 

The new federal law also requires recipients to actively look for work in order to remain eligible for benefits.  For many years, Washington has required people on unemployment to conduct at least three job-search activities each week, but numerous other states have fewer or no work-search requirements.

“Implementing the new federal law presents some logistical challenges, but we’re ahead of the pack,” Trause said.

WorkSource is a statewide partnership of Employment Security, local workforce development councils, other government agencies and nonprofits.  In addition to the required meeting that emergency-benefit claimants must attend, WorkSource offers workshops on résumé writing, interviewing skills, job matching, career counseling, skill development, training referrals, job clubs and other employment-related services. 

With the exception of some training programs, services are provided at no cost to customers.


WorkSource website: go2worksource.com

Employment Security website: esd.wa.gov

Broadcast version

Watch for the yellow envelope!

That’s the message the Employment Security Department is sending to jobless workers who are receiving emergency unemployment compensation. 

Under a new federal law, most people who are claiming emergency benefits are required to attend an appointment at their local WorkSource center.  They will receive an orientation, skill assessment and review of their work-search efforts. 

To help ensure that benefit recipients have every opportunity to comply, appointment letters are being mailed in yellow envelopes, with a WorkSource return address.  

People who fail to attend the required meeting may have to repay some or all of their unemployment benefits.
