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Employment Security Department asks for public input for unemployment report on immigrant benefits

 (en español)

The 2021-2023 fiscal biennium operating appropriations bill (SB 5092) requires the Employment Security Department (ESD) to produce a report by November 5, 2021, on the feasibility of replicating the existing Unemployment Insurance program to serve individuals not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits due to immigration status.

As part of this report, we want to hear from you!

We need your input on these questions:

  • What has your experience been like accessing state benefit programs?
  • What barriers have you faced and what would make it easier to access state benefit programs?
  • How can state government agencies strengthen trust with immigrant communities they are trying to serve?
  • If you became unemployed, and Washington state had a program to provide benefits regardless of immigration status, would you apply?

There are two ways you can participate:

1. Listening sessions

ESD hosted two listening sessions via Zoom on Sept. 8 and 9, from 6 - 8:00 pm. A summary of what we heard will be included in the report we submit to the Legislature.

2. Survey

If you cannot join us for the listening sessions or would prefer to give us your input in a different format, we have surveys available electronically in English and Spanish.  If you would like the survey in a different language, please email us at ESDGPPAOutreach@esd.wa.gov.