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OLYMPIA – Apply now to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children and adults.

The unemployment rate is down and minimum wage is up (for some), but too many Washingtonians still need jobs, homes, food and education. The Washington Service Corps AmeriCorps program offers a way to help.

If you’re a service seeker age 17 and older, apply for an open position now! You can help children, adults and veterans prepare for disasters, improve their health, prepare for careers, and increase their computer, financial and basic skills. Find a list of open positions on the Washington Service Corps website.

You also can tutor struggling students with a term of service in the Washington Reading Corps — another AmeriCorps program. Find schools currently looking for service seekers.

The links on the Washington Service Corps website lead you to the MyAmeriCorps website to apply, but ignore the start dates listed! Positions are indeed still open! Those interested need to apply by Sept. 22 to begin terms of service on Oct. 1.

Members of the Washington Service Corps and Washington Reading Corps must commit to 10 ½-month terms of community service. In return, they receive a modest living allowance, health insurance, help with childcare costs, an educational scholarship and much more.

Perhaps most importantly, members satisfy that service-seeker itch while gaining experience, wisdom and perspective to bring to further education, their next adventure or a career. After their service, members will find career specialists at WorkSource employment centers statewide trained specifically to help service seekers connect with jobs.

Find out more at the Washington Service Corps website or call 888-713-6080.

“Serve today for a better tomorrow.”