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OLYMPIA – An estimated 25,000 jobless workers in Washington will be shut off of unemployment benefits when the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation program ends on Dec. 28.

Since being activated in July 2008, the program has paid about $6.3 billion in federally funded unemployment benefits to more than 452,000 jobless workers in this state, according to the state Employment Security Department.

Currently, up to 63 weeks of unemployment benefits are available in Washington, including 26 weeks of regular benefits and 37 weeks of emergency unemployment compensation (EUC). After Dec. 28, only regular benefits will be available for most Washington workers. 

Although Congress has extended the EUC program 11 times in the past five years, there’s currently no indication it will be reauthorized again. If Congress and the President approve another extension, Employment Security will automatically notify potentially eligible individuals.

Employment Security is using email, robocalls and direct mail to remind EUC recipients that the program is ending. 

The messages also will urge the workers to contact their local WorkSource office for assistance in finding work. Two studies have shown that people who use WorkSource job-search services tend to find jobs faster and earn more money than those who don’t use WorkSource. 


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Broadcast version

The Employment Security Department is warning that about 25-thousand people across Washington that they’ll lose their unemployment benefits at the end of the month.

That’s because the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation program officially ends on December 28th.

Congress activated the program more than five years ago to help jobless workers survive until the economy improved.

Here in Washington state, the program has provided about six-point-three billion dollars in unemployment benefits to more than 452-thousand jobless workers.

The benefits are funded entirely by the federal government and do not affect unemployment tax rates in our state.
