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Showing results for WOTC

  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

    ALERT Employer representatives: You need to submit new 9198 forms to be able to enter applications for the firms you represent The U.S. Department of Labor has discontinued Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative (IRS Form 2848). They replaced it with the new Work Opportunity Tax Credit  ETA Form 9198 Employer Representative Declaration.  Form 9198 is not for businesses who file WOTC applications on their own behalf. It applies only to firms that file applications on...

    Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)   The WOTC is a tax incentive for employers to hire certain hard-to-place job seekers. The goal is to help these individuals become economically self-sufficient and to reward employers who give them a chance. Employers can reduce their federal business taxes by anywhere from $2,400 to $9,600 per eligible employee. The amount employers get is based on: The employee's target group Wages earned and hours worked by the...

  • WOTC eligibility

    Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) eligibility Private-sector employers and tax-exempt organizations (e.g., 501(c) or 501(a) non-profits) may participate.  Tax-exempt organizations may apply for credit only against the employer part of the Social Security tax liability on qualified veterans. Note: Employers cannot claim Work Opportunity Tax Credit for their relatives, former employees or undocumented aliens. For partial tax creditEligible workers must work at least 120 to 399 hours during...

  • WOTC application deadlines

    Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) application deadlines In Washington state, employers must receive certification from the Employment Security Department in order to deduct the credit on their annual tax returns. To be considered eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, employers and authorized representatives must submit applications within 28 days of the day the job applicant starts work. If the 28-day deadline is approaching and you: Don’t have the required documentation, you may...

  • WOTC application instructions

    How to apply for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) To apply online, you need a SecureAccess Washington (SAW) account and a WOTC account. See instructions below. In Washington state, the Employment Security Department is responsible for processing WOTC applications. We determine the eligibility of every hired individual and complete all certifications within federal guidelines. Application deadlinesApplications must be submitted through our online filing system within 28 days of the...

  • 2021 SharedWork Conference

     (en español) Washington State ESD - SharedWork Conference June 8 - June 9, 2021  WIN with SharedWork - a new path forward to economic recovery. Register for free today!      Keynote Speakers       Acting Commissioner Cami FeekEmployment Security Department Michele EvermoreSenior Policy Advisor US Department of Labor   Serilda Summers-McGeePrincipal & Chief Human Resources...

  • Two-step verification

    Two-step verification adds security to online applications!    (for employers) Employment Security has added a two-step verification system to its online accounts, which will help protect your information. Note: two-step verification is also referred to as multi-factor authentication or MFA.    Why change?  The new two-step verification system strengthens security and offers more protection of your secure, personal information.&#160...

  • Employer resources

    Employer resources   Whether you need to hire employees, are facing layoffs, or have to let an employee go, we have resources and information that can help you.  On this pageWA Cares Fund  |  Return to work  |  Forms and publications library  |  Paid Family and Medical Leave | WorkSource business services | Reduction in staff | Avoid layoffs | Employer information | Small...

  • SharedWork - Webinar

    SharedWork Webinars Get answers to your questions about SharedWork at a live Webinar. To respect individual confidentiality, it is important to point out that this is not an opportunity to answer questions about individual or personal situations. This webinar will be conducted using WebEx, you may be asked to download a WebEx extension. For issues connecting to the webinar, please visit http://help.webex.com We can’t provide technical assistance....